How can a pharmacist help you?

How can a pharmacist help you?

by Linda Caddick, Registered Pharmacist  One important thing you can do to improve your health is to have a good support team around you. An easily accessible member of your health team is your pharmacist. Your pharmacist is keen to ensure you make the most of your...
Overcoming common sleep challenges

Overcoming common sleep challenges

It’s no secret that people with arthritis often struggle with getting a good night’s rest. In one of our recent Zoom Cafe’s, we discussed sleep and how to improve it. Even for people who do not live with chronic conditions, sleep remains a complex...
What is the Mediterranean diet?

What is the Mediterranean diet?

Written by Tracey Kellett, Registered Nutritionist The Mediterranean diet is a flexible eating pattern containing seasonal, locally sourced foods abundant in the Mediterranean region, which we can access worldwide, and have cultural foods here in Aotearoa, New...
How is Fibromyalgia diagnosed? 

How is Fibromyalgia diagnosed? 

Written by Tracey Kellett Fibromyalgia is diagnosed based on symptoms and examination. There are usually no signs of Fibromyalgia on physical examination other than muscle tenderness. Your healthcare provider will consider all the possible causes of your symptoms and...