Arthritis Support Groups

Online Support Groups (private Facebook groups)

Our online support groups are moderated by our health advisor, who seeks specialist advice when necessary, and offers redirection to resources where appropriate. These are overseen between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday and are not a place to go in an emergency. If you have changing or increasing symptoms, call Healthline 24/7 for clinical advice at 0800 611 116. In an emergency, call 111.

The best place to go for questions about your medication is your prescriber or pharmacist. Do not give medication or dosing advice or take this type of advice from anyone online.

Browse our private Facebook groups below for your type of arthritis, feel free to join all the groups that apply to you. If you don’t see your type of arthritis here, please join our open Arthritis Online Support Group. 

Local face-to-face support groups

The local face-to-face support groups are organised and run by individuals in communities whom we support by listing and promoting them on our website and social media, as well as providing guidance, resources and support whenever possible.

If you are interested in starting a support group in your area, please get in touch with our Volunteer Coordinator on 0800 663 463 or email

Click on your region below to see if there is a local face-to-face support group in your area:

Join a monthly Zoom Café

The Zoom Café meet-up is an online support group organised by Arthritis NZ. This group meets on Zoom on the last Thursday of every month (except December) to discuss a specific theme. If you would like to receive an email invitation to join a meeting, fill in the form below:

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