People with psoriatic arthritis
Real life stories from people with psoriatic arthritis
Finding an ear of someone who ‘gets it’ makes a difference
Finding the ear of someone who does get it makes a massive difference to the lives of arthritis sufferers.
Flare-ups are exhausting, cause all-consuming fatigue
A flare-up is exhausting. The all-consuming fatigue is next level. Hannah struggles to brush her hair and feed herself during a bad flare-up.
Archery gives a new lease on the life of a young man with psoriatic arthritis
Archery gives new lease on the life of a young man with psoriatic arthritis.
It’s just arthritis, but what about Jared, 20, living with psoriatic arthritis?
Twenty-year-old Jared McOnie of Wellington says he thought he reached a point of no return in April this year when the pain caused by psoriatic arthritis was relentless.
I thought arthritis is what old people get, and then I got it
At the young age of 43 last year, Andrew Smyth got diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. The diagnosis hit him like a bolt of lightning. “I thought arthritis was what old people get. Surely 43 isn’t old enough, let alone 36, when my symptoms first started to appear”.