Exercising with Arthritis: Common Concerns and FAQs
There are a number of common concerns and FAQs (frequently asked questions) regarding exercise and arthritis. Here we address some of the common concerns and FAQs.
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Common concerns related to exercise and arthritis:
Here are the seven most common concerns. Click on the concern to read more.
I am afraid exercise will make my pain worse or aggravate my condition. READ MORE
I don’t know what to do or how to get started. READ MORE
I lack the motivation to do it on my own. READ MOREÂ
It is hard to get going when I am in pain. READ MORE
I don’t have the time. READ MORE
I don’t have the energy when I feel tired. READ MORE
I have tried before and didn’t stick with it. READ MORE
Frequently asked questions about arthritis and exercise:
Below are some frequently asked questions about arthritis and exercise. Click on the question to see the answer.
What’s the difference between being active and exercising?
Why is cardio exercise important?
Why is resistance exercise important?
Why is mobility exercise important?
Why is balance training important?