Joseph Siaki Godinet, aged 70, has been living with gout arthritis for the last 32 years.

For more than 16 years, the strength and resilience of his ‘aiga’ have helped him manage his gout plan by taking his allopurinol medicines regularly, as prescribed by his doctor.

This year’s Samoa Language Week theme is, Poupou le lotoifale, Ola manuia le anofale, or, in English, Strengthen the posts of your house, for all to thrive. The Samoan fale or house can only stand firm when the pillars are strong.

Joseph is a father to six adult children with many grandchildren. Joseph’s gout arthritis medicine plan has contributed to his families’ well-being and to celebrate his culture during Samoan Language Week.

Joseph’s tips for using gout medicines – Fa‘amatalaga aogā mo le fa‘aaogāina o fuālā‘au o le gugu ‘O nisi o mea e mafai ona e faia ‘ina ‘ia aoga tele ai au fuälä‘au:

1. Know the names of your medicines – ‘Ia e iloa igoa o au fuälä‘au.

Most medicines have two names. One is the brand name, and the other is the active ingredient name. Make sure you know the active ingredient name of each of your medicines.

‘O le tele o fuälä‘au e ta‘i lua igoa. ‘O le tasi o le igoa o vaila‘au o gaosia ai ma le isi o le igoa o le fuälä‘au ua lauiloa. ‘Ia e mautinoa lou iloa o le igoa se tasi o au fuälä‘au.

2. Know how to take your medicines – ‘Ia e iloa le inuina o au fuälä‘au.

Make sure you know how much to take, how often to take it, and when to stop taking your medicine.

‘Ia mautinoa lou iloa pë fia fuälä‘au e inu, pë fa‘afia ona inu, ‘a‘o äfea e fa‘a‘uma ai ona inu au fuälä‘au.

3. Don’t share medicines – Aua ne‘i fa‘asoaina i isi au fuälä‘au.

Taking medicines prescribed for someone else might be dangerous for you or might mean you don’t get the right treatment.  

‘O lou inuina o fuälä‘au fa‘atonuina e le föma‘i mo se isi tagata e ono lamatia ai oe. ‘O se fuälä‘au fa‘atonuina e le föma‘i mo se tasi tagata e ono lë talafeagai lea mo ‘oe.